Friday, February 26, 2010

yesterday (Thursday)--28 pieces of trash.  half of that came from a styrofoam egg carton behind carlton place that had already started to break down into even smaller pieces.

Wednesday--Between 10-15 pieces of trash which included 4 beer bottles behind Carlton Place---these were just tossed out there b/c I had recently cleaned that area a few days ago.  There is a large piece of construction plastic that I have not yet collected b/c when I tried, there was a lizard on it.  I'm not afraid of lizards, but I'm worried there may also be spiders embedded there---I'll save that for my husband :-)

I did run into "a friend of the woods" who also walks her dog.  She said, "Oh you are the one who cleans this place up".  She walked with me and helped collect some trash.  It was nice to have the help.

Monday--74 pieces of trash---mostly from behind Carlton Place apartments.  Hopefully, that will soon be all cleaned up.  I can't wait to walk back there and come out empty handed!  Sometimes I find the most random things like a hallogen light bulb???

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