Friday, February 26, 2010

A word on whales

I am saddened to hear about the loss of a trainer's life at Sea World.  I'm sure this lady loved animals very much.

However, I am also just as saddened about the state in which we treat animals such as the orca whales.  Orcas swim freely thousands of miles between hemispheres, and humans think it is okay to capture them and keep them in a bathtub of sorts where people can come gawk at them as they jump in the air for a fish. Whales are social and have families and swim in pods.  Whales live long life spans in the wild, but only a few years in captivity.  Who are we to take that away from them and expect them to cooperate with and entertain humans???  It just is not right.

I can understand if a whale is injured and humans are rehabilitating the whale in hopes and plans of releasing the whale back into the ocean.  But to keep and breed whales in captivity should not be allowed.  Also, we can not learn much about the natural behaviors of whales who are in captivity because this is not their natural state.  We must study them in the wild to understand their natural habits.

May humans evolve enough consciously to stop this type of treatment of animals.

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