When I got home, I was separating the recyclables, 3 plastic bottles, one plastic milk jug, several beer cans. Anyway, a large spider was also in the mix!!!! I try to be nice, but somehow curse words spontaneously erupt when that happens!
Yesterday, my husband and I picked up 3 pieces of trash in front of our church located in downtown Wilmington and we also gathered 7 pieces of trash in UNCW woods.
I'm trying to walk down paths in the woods that I don't usually go before the weather warms and snakes start to move about. The good news is that the paths that get walked frequently are looking cleaner.
The most frustrating things I have seen in the past week are two doggy poop bags that have been used to clean the poop, and they are even tied shut, but they have been left in the woods!!! Maybe they are biodegradeable bags???--somehow I doubt it, but maybe.... Anyway, I saw one today, but I had no more room in my bag, so I left it. I picked up the other one a few days ago.
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