Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We are busy people just like you. We both work, we exercise, we clean, we launder, we have hobbies and interests, we have pets. So sometimes it is challenging to find time to pick up litter, even one piece. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. And some days, we are running from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. So honestly, there are some days when we have to admit that we do not meet our resolutions, but that means that we pick up an extra piece the next day!

Also, when there is time, we pick up more than one piece of litter, but it never counts as a surplus. I try to fit this into my daily activities. Every day, we walk our dog and we find this is the perfect time to help the Earth. We just take a bag with us and pick up trash as we go. Today, I walked our dog on UNC-W campus and in no time had a bag full of garbage. This is one of several bags removed since January 1, but I have not previously recorded the collection.

2 plastic beverage cups (one with lid and straw attached)
2 pieces of a styrofoam cup
2 pieces of heavy construction wrapping plastic
3 aluminum cans (2 beer, 1 soda)
1 round plastic apparatus placed like an ornament on a tree branch
1 plastic bag that had already started to break down and was broken into shreds
1 small piece of green mystery plastic
1 potato chip bag
1 stuffed toy pumpkin that has been floating around the walking trails for months!

Later, on a run, I picked up a piece of balloon at the entrance to a new housing development. This piece of balloon was apparently left from an "open house" sign. I also picked up three pieces of balloon in the same spot on Sunday. I can't say for sure, but it appears as though the balloons are burst when they are no longer needed and any pieces that fall to the ground are left there. Balloons can be especially dangerous to marine animals as they often look like food floating in the ocean.

1/26/09 -- hair bow.

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