Sunday, October 3, 2010

UNC-W Forest 14 lbs 11.4oz.

If you started at the beginning of this blog, you would know that we were inspired to start the blog b/c of our daily walks (sometimes more than once a day) in UNC-W Forest with our dog, Gigi.  We love Gigi and we love walking her at UNC-W.  But, what we do not love is all the trash we see, so we began to pick it up and made a New Year's Resolution to pick up at least one piece of trash every day.  (We usually pick up a lot more).

So, life got busy and I did not always post our collection, but we continued to pick up trash.

Today we picked up 14 lb. 11.4 oz. of trash in a little over an hour while we walked the dog and played with other dogs.   Most of the trash came from behind Carlton Place apartments.  It looks as though residents party up and throw their beer and cigarette butts over the fence into the woods.   Another "dirty" area was the Hooker Rd. access to the forest.  There we picked up many many plastic bottles and aluminum cans as well as two bags of something poopy---yuck yuck yuck!

Here is a list of our loot:
2 beer case boxes
14 plastic bottles
a pile of rusted survey flags (plastic flags)
5 glass bottles
16 aluminum cans
4 plastic cups
3 straws
1 styrofoam cup
5 glass bottles
2 dirty diapers
2 plastic bags of poop
5 plastic bags
lots of other bibs and bobs of plastic and styrofoam stuff.

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